While Islamic finance might be known to many people, the life and minds of the Shariah scholars of Islamic finance have been shrouded in mystery. For the last forty years, Shariah scholars avoided an open engagement with industry stakeholders, and instead tended to ‘fortify’ themselves deeper and deeper in the ground. This has created an imperfect knowledge, if not negative insinuations about them.
“Shariah Minds in Islamic Finance” is the first ever book which provides a rare inside look and accounts of the many facets of a career of a Shariah advisor. This is made more intriguing, as it is written by one of its practising global scholars. This is his story. The book is both enlightening and engaging.
Courageous enough, this book examines issues, such as conflict of interest arising from multiple Shariah board representation by a few scholars, the purported lucrative scheme of Shariah professional fees, the monopoly of a few leading Shariah scholars, the development of young and forthcoming scholars, the perceived conflict between Malaysian-based scholars and GCC-based scholars, window shopping of fatwas and many other (antagonistic) perceptions on the Shariah scholars.
Above all, this book offers a constructive appraisal of the Shariah advisors for the betterment of the Shariah advisory services and the industry as a whole. This book advocates the critical need for greater governance standards, which emphasise the duty of care, diligence and skills of Shariah scholars.
Furthermore, this book hopes to inspire a new generation of Shariah scholars by providing invaluable tips and trade secrets from the authors’ two decades of industry experience.
I Have 25 Hours a Day: The Smart Way to Create More TimeThis book is for those who have more things to do than the time to do them. This book is also ideal for those who always experience time deficits on a daily basis. Asked many times on how the author managed his time, he simply answered, “I don’t really manage my time; I simply created more time.” If you believe that time is technically expandable to provide the extra space for more goals to be accomplished, then this book is the book that you have long been looking for. You can make time expandable to your advantage. Many accomplished personalities do more and achieve greater triumphs not because they have more time than others, but they simply created more time. The tips and secrets highlighted in this book are inspired by the true stories of the life-and-work style of one of the global Shariah advisors and entrepreneurs covering many cross border projects, responsibilities and initiatives. The tips presented in this book are easy to understand and to emulate (as well as to permute), as they have been daily (and hourly) tested in the author’s own life and leadership roles. The readers would just need to adjust these tips to suit their own personalities, professions, peculiarities, environments and surroundings. Above all, this book is written by a practitioner and a realist, and neither by a motivational expert nor a theorist. “I think I have created 25 hours in some of my days. I hope you can do the same too. There should be some ways to break this code of creating more time.”
The sensational Islamic finance new stories, anecdotes, perspectives and arguments relating to almost anything that hits Shariah scholars and Shariah advisory works in Islamic finance for the last 40 years.
Sungguhpun ramai yang mengetahui mengenai kewangan Islam, namun kehidupan dan minda para cendekiawan Syariah yang berkecimpung dalam bidang ini terus diselubungi misteri. Sepanjang empat puluh tahun yang lalu, cendekiawan Syariah mengelak daripada membicarakan hal-ehwal mereka secara terbuka dengan pihak berkepentingan dalam industri kewangan Islam. Sebaliknya, mereka cenderung ‘berkubu’ dan terus memasak diri sedalam- dalamnya. Ini mewujudkan pengetahuan yang tidak sempurna, malahan tanggapan negatif pada mereka.
“Minda Syariah Kewangan Islam” adalah buku pertama yang membongkar cerita balik tabir seputar pelbagai aspek yang mewarnai kerjaya seorang penasihat Syariah. Yang lebih menarik lagi adalah buku ini ditulis salah seorang cendekiawan Syariah dalam kalangan peneraju khidmat nasihat Syariah bagi kewangan Islam. Inilah kisah beliau. Buku ini bukan sahaja memberi pencerahan, malah seronok dibaca.
Dengan beraninya, buku ini membincangkan pelbagai isu, termasuk percanggahan kepentingan ekoran keanggotaan berbilang oleh beberapa orang cendekiawan Syariah dalam Badan Penasihat Syariah, yuran profesional Syariah yang dianggap terlalu mewah, monopoli oleh beberapa orang cendekiawan Syariah utama dunia, pembangunan para cendekiawan Syariah muda, persepsi kewujudan konflik antara cendekiawan Syariah Malaysia dan cendekiawan Syariah negara Teluk, membelek fatwa dan banyak lagi persepsi antagonistik pada cendekiawan Syariah.
Sementalahan, buku ini juga menawarkan penilaian membina mengenai penasihat Syariah dengan matlamat melonjakkan lagi khidmat nasihat Syariah dan juga industri kewangan Islam secara keseluruhannya.Buku ini mendokong hasrat bagi menambah baik piawaian tadbir urus, yang menekankan pada ketelitian, kecekapan dan kemahiran para cendekiawan Syariah.
Tidak lupa juga, buku ini diharap mampu memangkinkan pengwujudan generasi baru cendekiawan Syariah dengan memberikan tip-tip berguna dan rahsia-rahsia kerjaya, yang bersumberkan pengalaman industri pengarang selama dua dekad.
The sensational Islamic finance new stories, anecdotes, perspectives and arguments relating to almost anything that hits Shariah scholars and Shariah advisory works in Islamic finance for the last 40 years.